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Invited talks
& events

Upcoming talks

05.03.2025 | Towards interoperability: Introducing the Impresso data lab for the enrichment and analysis of historical media (with Prof. Marten Düring)

Digital Humanities im Deutschsprachigen Raum, Universität Bielefeld

Past talks

04.12.2024 | NetzDG on Twitter:  A Social Network Analysis of a Crucial Shift in European Digital Policy (with Dr. Jens Pohlmann)

Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI), Universität Bremen

28.11.2024 | Concepts of Digital Humanities Workshop

School of Advanced Study, University of London

08.11.2023 | Concepts of Digital Humanities Workshop

School of Advanced Study, University of London

10.07.2023 | Workshop: Introduction to Sentiment Analysis Center for Advanced Internet Studies

24.05.2023 | Interpreting the results of Sentiment Analysis algorithms to categorise emotions discursively expressed in news articles

Center for Advanced Internet Studies

23.03.2023 | Reframing Failure: It’s Complicated - Collaborations and Partnerships

Digital Humanities Research Hub, School of Advanced Study [watch recording here]

24.11.2022 | Tutorial on web scraping for web archives

British Library

10.10.2022 | Before, During and After: A Bilingual Temporal Sentiment Analysis of the Media Coverage of Rio and London Olympic Legacies

Digital Humanities Congress Sheffield

29.04.2022 | The problem of missing data: Critical Practices in Humanities Research

Stanford University (CESTA) & School of Advanced Study (DHRH)

07.07.2021 | Local, National and International aspiration: framing London's Olympic legacy by combining multiple sources in SHINE Documenting the Olympics and Paralympics, British Library

22.09.2020 | Tracking and analysing media events through web archives’

Engaging with web archives conference, Maynooth University Arts and Humanities Institute

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